Thursday 29 October 2015


Here are some interesting olive health facts

 - Olives eliminate excess cholesterol in the blood. 

 - Olives control blood pressure.

 - Olives are a source of dietary fibre as an alternative to fruits and vegetables.

 - Olives are a great source of Vitamin E

 - Olives act as an antioxidant, protecting cells

 - Olives protect cell membranes against diseases like 

 - Olives are a great protection against anaemia

 - Olives enhances fertility and reproductive system

 - Olives play an important role in maintaining a healthy immune system, especially during oxidative stress and chronic viral diseases

 - Olives are nutritious and rich in mineral content as sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and iodine

 - Olives provide essential vitamins and amino acids.

 - Olives contain oleic acid, which has beneficial properties to protect the

 - Olives contain polyphenols, a natural chemical that reduce oxidative stress in the brain. So by eating a daily serving of olives helps improve your memory by up to 25%.

 Just one cup of olives is a great source of iron – 4.4mg.

 - Eating olives can improve the appearance of wrinkles by 20% since they contain oleic acid, which keeps skin soft and healthy.

 - By eating just 10 olives before a meal, you can reduce your appetite by up to 20%. This is because the monounsaturated fatty acids contained in olives slow down the digestion process and stimulate the hormone cholecystokinin, a hormone that sends messages of fullness to the brain.

* They are nutritious and rich in mineral content as sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and iodine.

Boost Your Brain....

Eating well is good for your mental as well as your physical health. Most of us are anxious about our physical appearance and therefore concentrate on exercise to tone the body and home remedies to take care of our skin and hair.
But the brain is one of the most important organs of the body that governs memory, attention, vision, speech and decision but we hardly seem to take any care about it. There are selected foods that can help in nourishing the brain and protect it from free radical damage, while brain exercises can help in enhancing brain power in an effective manner.

Choose Whole Grains
Replace simple carbohydrates like white rice and white flour with complex carbohydrates such as whole grains that have a low glycemic index which take time to break down thus, providing a constant controlled release of glucose into the bloodstream that keeps the brain alert and enhances concentration and memory. Opt for whole wheat breads, wheat bran, brown pasta and brown rice.

Eat oily fish
Good sources include linseed (flaxseed) oil, soya bean oil, pumpkin seeds, walnut oil and soya beans.  Oily fish contains EPA and DHA in a ready-made form, which enables the body to use it easily. The main sources of oily fish include salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards and kippers.

Avocadoes are equally effective to improve brain health as blueberries. The benefits of avocadoes for health are well known and it is also helpful in boosting brain functions by improving blood flow to the brain, and better blood flow means and healthier brain with improved cognitive abilities.

Eat more tomatoes
There is good evidence to suggest that lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes, could help protect against the kind of free radical damage to cells which occurs in the development of dementia, particularly Alzheimer's.

Get a blackcurrant boost
Vitamin C has long been thought to have the power to increase mental agility. One of the best sources of this vital vitamin is blackcurrants.

Bet on broccoli
Broccoli is a great source of vitamin K, which is known to enhance cognitive function and improve brainpower.

Peas and Beans
Beans and peas are yet another source of complex carbohydrates that is economical and easily available and helps in promoting a healthy brain. Being rich in soluble and insoluble fibers, the beans take time to break down and be digested, thus providing a steady slow supply of glucose in the blood stream that is carried to the brain for its optimum functions. In addition, beans are a rich source of folate, a B vitamin integral to brain functions and improving memory.

Green Tea
The health benefits of green tea need no new emphasis. A few cups of this nourishing brew supplies load of antioxidants, especially catechines to the body that protects the cells against the harm caused by free radicals and oxidative stress and also promotes blood flow throughout the body. So, include 3 to 4 cups of green tea to your daily diet, replace soda and flavored drinks with delicious and refreshing iced tea for a healthy and fit body in the long run.

Go nuts
Good intake of vitamin E might help to prevent cognitive decline, particularly in the elders. Nuts are a great source of vitamin E along with leafy green vegetables, asparagus, olives, seeds, eggs, brown rice and whole grains.

Apart from food…..
Before looking into the foods that help in improving brain power, here are a few easy tips that can do a lot to enhance memory and concentration.
Daily exercise is the best way to expand brain health because it increases blood supply to the brain and promotes healthy neurons.
Getting 7 to 8 hours of soothing sleep also helps in enhancing brain functions because it helps in regenerating the brain and its functions.
Improving digestive health by including more prebiotics and probiotics in the diet also has a positive effect on brain health because the gut is closely related to the brain.
Challenging the mind with brain exercise such as playing chess, solving cross words or puzzles helps improve the capacity of complex reasoning and decision making.

Understanding stroke

Brain stroke or acute brain attack, as neurologists would like stroke to be understood by the public at large is an important cause of death and disability worldwide. It is the third most important cause of death and the most common cause of acquired disability.
Broadly speaking, two types of stroke exist. Nearly 80% of strokes are on account of impaired blood supply to the brain, resulting in the death of nerve cells in the affected area. The remaining 20% of strokes are due to bleeding into the brain which damages the brain by releasing toxic substances and by compression and pressure effects on the brain.

The symptoms of a brain stroke range from weakness in one-half of the body, blurred vision, speech impairment and incontinence to loss of balance and difficulties with memory and higher mental function. It is critical that we are aware of the early warning signs and symptoms of stroke and seek treatment at a hospital which is equipped with facilities such as CT scan and MRI, ICU as well as neurological and neurosurgical expertise round the clock. The reason to act fast when a stroke is suspected is because for every second that a brain stroke is untreated, 1.4 million neurons are irreversibly lost, for every hour that passes without treatment, the brain ages 3 years; and a very efficacious clot buster treatment which dissolves the clot that has cut off blood supply to the brain is safe and effective only within the first 4.5 hours after onset of symptoms. The earlier the treatment is started after symptom onset, the more effective and safe it is for the patient.

Sunday 25 October 2015


Dandelion is a very rich source of beta-carotene This flowering plant is also rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc,
and phosphorus. Dandelion contains protein too, more than spinach. It has been eaten for thousands of years and used to treat anemia, scurvy, skin problems, blood disorders, and depression.

Digestive Aid – Dandelion acts as a mild laxative that promotes digestion, stimulates appetite, and balances the natural and beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Kidney – This weed-like superfood is a diuretic that helps the kidneys clear out waste, salt, and excess water. This inhibits microbial growth in the urinary system too.

Liver – Dandelion has been shown to improve liver function by removing toxins and reestablishing hydration and electrolyte balance.

Antioxidants – Every part of the dandelion plant is rich in antioxidants that prevent free-radical damage to cells and DNA.

Cancer – Dandelion acts against cancer to slow its growth and prevent its spread. The leaves are especially rich in the antioxidants and phytonutrients that combat cancer.

Diabetes –Dandelion helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels.

High Blood Pressure –Dandelion increases urination which then lowers blood pressure. The fiber and potassium in dandelion also regulate blood pressure.

Cholesterol –Dandelion lowers and control cholesterol levels.

Gallbladder – Dandelion increases bile production and reduces inflammation to help with gallbladder problems and blockages.

Inflammation – Dandelion contains essential fatty acids and phytonutrients that reduce inflammation throughout the body. This can relieve pain and swelling.

Immune System –Dandelion boosts immune function and fights off microbes and fungi.

Saturday 24 October 2015


Fenugreek is considered a good remedy for stimulating the milk-producing glands. Fenugreek contains phytoestrogens that help increase breast milk production.
Soak one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in one cup of water overnight. In the morning, boil this water along with the fenugreek seeds for several minutes. Strain the solution, and drink this tea every morning until you get positive results.
Note: Diabetic and asthmatic women must not use fenugreek remedies.
2. Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds also help increase breast milk production. This herb acts as a galactogogue, a substance that helps the body produce more breast milk. Plus, fennel seeds aid digestion and help prevent colic pain in small babies.
·         Add one tablespoon of fennel seeds to one cup of hot water. Cover the cup, let it steep for 30 minutes, and then strain the solution. Drink the tea twice daily for a month.
·         Alternatively, mix together one-half cup each of fennel seeds, cumin seeds and rock candy (misri) in a bowl. Grind the ingredients to make a fine powder. Have one teaspoon of it with one cup of milk three times a day for one or two weeks.
·         Also try to include fennel seeds in your cooking.
3. Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds are also believed to stimulate milk production. Plus, cumin seeds improve digestion and provide relief from constipation, acidity and bloating. They are also a source of iron that provides strength to new mothers after childbirth.
·         Mix one teaspoon of cumin power with one teaspoon of sugar. Have this mixture with a glass of warm milk daily before going to bed for a few weeks.
·         Alternatively, add two teaspoons of cumin seeds to one-half cup of water and boil it. Strain the solution and add one-half cup of milk and one teaspoon of honey. Mix well and drink once daily for several weeks.

4. Cinnamon
According to Ayurveda, cinnamon will also help to increase secretion of breast milk. When nursing mothers eat cinnamon, it helps improve the flavor of breast milk that many babies seem to like. Plus, it helps delay the occurrence of menstruation after childbirth and prevents early conception.
1.      Mix a pinch of cinnamon powder and one-half teaspoon of honey.
2.      Have it along with a cup of warm milk.
3.      Repeat daily before going to bed for one or two months.
5. Garlic
Being an excellent galactagogue, garlic stimulates lactation. It has been found that nursing mothers who eat garlic tend to feed for a longer time, and babies even like the flavor of the milk.
1.      Finely grate three garlic cloves.
2.      Boil the grated garlic in one cup of water until the quantity is reduced to about one quarter.
3.      Add a cup of milk to the mixture and bring it to a boil again.
4.      Remove from heat, mix in one-half teaspoon of honey and strain it.
5.      Drink it once daily, in the morning, during the breastfeeding period.

Friday 23 October 2015

Oral polio vaccine (OPV)

Boy receiving oral polio vaccine, Kano, Nigeria

  • The oral polio vaccine (OPV) was developed in 1961 by Albert Sabin. Also called “trivalent oral polio vaccine” or “Sabin vaccine”, OPV consists of a mixture of live, attenuated (weakened) poliovirus strains of all three poliovirus types.
  • OPV produces antibodies in the blood to all three types of poliovirus. In the event of infection, these antibodies protect against paralysis by preventing the spread of wild poliovirus to the nervous system. 
  • OPV also produces a local, mucosal immune response in the mucous membrane of the intestines. In the event of infection, these mucosal antibodies limit the replication of the wild poliovirus inside the intestine. This intestinal immune response to OPV is thought to be the main reason why mass campaigns with OPV can rapidly stop person-to-person transmission of wild poliovirus.


  • OPV is administered orally. It can be given by volunteers and does not require trained health workers or sterile injection equipment.
  • The vaccine is relatively inexpensive. In 2011, the cost of a single dose for public health programmes in developing countries was between 11 and 14 US cents. 
  • OPV is safe, effective, and induces long-lasting immunity to all three types of poliovirus.
  • For several weeks after vaccination, the vaccine virus replicates in the intestine, is excreted in the faeces, and can be spread to others in close contact. 
  • This means that in areas where hygiene and sanitation are poor, immunization with OPV can result in the “passive” immunization of people who have not been directly vaccinated.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Foods for Osteoporosis Prevention

It’s no surprise that the superstar of foods for osteoporosis is milk. 
Milk is brimming with bone-strengthening calcium—a crucial nutrient for building healthy bones. 
Go for low-fat or skim milk.Other foods to eat to get more calciyum: yogurt and cheese. 
Aim to eat 3 servings of dairy daily.
You already know how good salmon is for you. But do you know exactly why it’s so good? 
Salmon packs a healthy dose of vitamin D, a mighty nutrient that helps the body absorb and process calcium. 
Other foods full of vitamin D: egg yolks, mushrooms, and tuna. Eat a variety of foods with vitamin D every day.

Almonds support bone health in multiple ways. 
As with some other nuts and seeds, almonds are chock-full of calcium, magnesium, and protein—essential nutrients that help build strong, healthy bones. 
Eat a handful of nuts a day (that’s about 23 almonds).
If you’re not into eating almonds, try pistachios or sunflower seeds—they have similar benefits.
Fortified Breakfast Cereals

If you don’t like dairy foods, fish, or dark leafy greens (or if you’re lactose intolerant), eat fortified foods, such as fortified breakfast cereals. 
These cereals are enhanced—or fortified—with good-for-you vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and vitamin D. 
Eat at least one serving of fortified foods daily if you don’t get enough of these nutrients from other foods.
Other fortified foods to try: fortified whole grain breads and calcium-fortified orange juice.

Saturday 17 October 2015

A diet to prevent hair loss…STARTS TODAY..!!

It's not just the eyes; Vitamin A-rich carrots provide excellent nourishment for the scalp. A healthy scalp ensures shiny, well-conditioned hair that is strengthened and moisturized.

If your hair suffers from dryness, thinning, stiffness, discoloration or hair fall, depleting reserves of iron might be the culprit. Prunes are known to be great sources of iron and greatly help improve the quality of hair. Also ensure you get plenty of green vegetables and beetroots in your diet in addition to prunes.

Green peas 
Although green peas are not rich in antioxidants or any specific vitamin or mineral, they contain a well-balanced amount of vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc and B group vitamins. These are essential for maintaining healthy hair.

Not only are oats loaded with fiber that helps maintain a healthy heart and bowels, they also contain a high concentration of other essential nutrients such as zinc, iron and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids in particular are essential to maintain normal skin, hair growth and development. Since this essential ingredient is only obtained through the diet, make sure your breakfast includes a bowl of oatmeal every few days in the week.

While red meats are best avoided in excess, finding an appropriate substitute for proteins might be a little difficult for those looking to build muscle etc. Alternatively, of the wide variety of sea food available, shrimps are a great substitute. They not only go excellently well in a number of curries and pastas, their potent concentration of Vitamin B12, iron, zinc contain all the necessary nourishment to prevent hair loss.

Not only do walnuts have more omega-6 fatty acids than any other food, but they're also full of zinc, iron, B vitamins (B1, B6 and B9), and plenty of protein. However, a word of caution, walnuts also contain a small trace of selenium, a mineral known to cause hair loss in people who are selenium-deficient or have way too much in their system. So a handful of nuts over the week should tide you over without much trouble.

For a head full of healthy hair, the egg is probably one of your best friends. It's loaded with essential nutrients such as proteins, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc and Omega 6 fatty acids in large amounts. Being deficient in any of these vitamins and minerals is known to result in poor quality of hair. In addition it's also a good source for biotin (Vitamin B7) which is a great aid to fight hair loss.

Low fat dairy products 
Low-fat dairy products like skim milk and yogurt are great sources of calcium, an important mineral for hair growth. Add a cup of yogurt or cottage cheese to your snack list and to help prevent hair loss, stir in a few tablespoons of flaxseed or walnuts for your required dose of omega 3 fatty acids and zinc.

Thursday 15 October 2015



Helps you loose weight:-
  • Calling peanut butter a diet food, with 180 to 210 calories per serving, may seem counter-intuitive.
  • But it has the enviable combination of fiber (2 g per serving) and protein (8 g per serving) that fills you up and keeps you feeling full longer, so you eat less overall.
  • Plus, there's nothing more indulgent than licking peanut butter off a spoon and indulgence (in moderation) helps dieters fight cravings and stay on track

It's packed with nutrition:-
  • A serving of peanut butter has :-
  • 3 mg of the powerful antioxidant vitamin E,
  • 49 mg of bone-building magnesium,
  • 208 mg of muscle-friendly potassium, and
  • 0.17 mg of immunity-boosting vitamin B6.
Peanuts can decrease your risk of :-
  • heart disease, diabetes, and
  • other chronic health conditions.
  • consuming 1 ounce of nuts or peanut butter (about 2 tablespoons) at least 5 days a week can lower the risk of developing diabetes by almost 30%.
It's got the good fat
  • Peanut butter is chock-full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.
  • insulin-resistant adults who ate a diet high in monos had less belly fat than people who ate more carbohydrates or saturated fat. 

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Benefits of Exercise

There are many benefits of regular exercise and maintaining fitness and these include:

Exercise increases energy levels

Exercise improves both the strength and the efficiency of your cardiovascular system to get the oxygen and nutrients to your muscles.  When your cardiovascular system works better everything seems easier and you have more energy for the fun stuff in life.

Exercise improves muscle strength

Staying active keeps muscles strong and joints, tendons and ligaments flexible, allowing you to move more easily and avoid injury. Strong muscles and ligaments reduce your risk of joint and lower back pain by keeping joints improper alignment. They also improve coordination and balance.

Exercise can help you to maintain a healthy weight

The more you exercise the more calories you burn.  In addition, the more muscle you develop, the higher your metabolic rate becomes, so you burn more calories even when you’re not exercising.  You may lose weight and look better physically which will boost your self-esteem.

Exercise improves brain function

Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen levels in the brain. It also encourages the release of the brain chemicals (hormones) that are responsible for the production of cells in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory and learning.  This, in turn, boosts concentration levels and cognitive ability, and helps reduce the risk of cognitive degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Exercise is good for your heart

Exercise reduces LDL cholesterol (the type that clogs your arteries), increases HDL (the good cholesterol) and reduces blood pressure so it lowers the stress on your heart.  Added to this, it also strengthens your heart muscle. Combined with a healthy diet, exercise lowers the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Regular exercise lowers your risk of developing type 2 diabetes

Regular exercise helps to control blood glucose levels, which helps to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.  Additionally exercise helps to prevent obesity, which is a primary factor in the development of type 2 diabetes.

Exercise enhances your immune system

Exercise improves your body’s ability to pump the oxygen and nutrients around your body that are required to fuel the cells that fight bacteria and viruses.

Staying active reduces the likelihood of developing some degenerative bone diseases

Weight bearing exercise such as running, walking or weight training lowers your risk of both osteoarthritis and osteoporosis – the adage of “use it or lose it” really does apply to bones.

Exercise may help to reduce the risk of certain cancers

Being fit may mean that the risks of colon cancer, breast cancer and possibly also lung and endometrial cancers are reduced.

Active people tend to sleep better

Physical activity makes you more tired so you’re more ready to sleep. Good quality sleep helps improve overall wellness and can reduce stress.

Exercise improves your mood and gives you an improved sense of well-being

Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins which make you feel better and more relaxed.  These in turn improve your mood and lower your stress levels.

Exercise can help prevent and treat mental illnesses like depression

Physical activity can help you meet people, reduce stress levels, cope with frustration, give you a sense of achievement, and provide some important “me time”, all of which help with depression.

Keeping fit can reduce some of the effects of aging

Practicing physical activity regular delays the process of ageing.

Saturday 10 October 2015


It’s not surprising that prunes fell out of favour considering their close association with relieving constipation. .
Beyond the benefits to your digestive tract, and the fact that they offer a sweet hit for only 30 calories, plums and prunes have many other wonderful health properties. Here are just a few:

1. They protect against diseases like cancer
Plums and prunes not only protect the brain from free radical damage but can also help to prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. .

2. They help prevent type 2 diabetes and obesity
Prunes and plums are high in soluble fibre that helps to keep 
blood sugar levels stable. Soluble fibre slows the rate that food leaves the stomach and, as a result, delays the absorption of sugar into the blood stream. Soluble fibre also increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin.
The soluble fibre in prunes helps you feel satisfied after a meal, which can prevent overeating and subsequent weight gain.

3. Prunes and plums help to lower cholesterol
The soluble fibre we just spoke of also helps to lower cholesterol by soaking up excess bile in the intestine and then excreting it. Bile is made from cholesterol in the liver in order to digest fat. When the body excretes bile along with the fibre from prunes and plums, the liver must use cholesterol in the body to make more bile thereby lowering the amount in circulation in the body.

4. Get improved bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis
Recent studies show that prunes and plums are the most effective fruit in preventing and reversing bone loss due to rich sources of phenoic and flavonoid compounds.

5. They’re a good source of vitamin K and beta carotene

A 2013 study showed that an increased intake in beta carotene can actually make people happier. Beta-carotene also protects and fixes the damage of free radicals on our cells meaning it can help reverse the signs of aging. Vitamin K works in conjunction with beta carotene to fight the signs of aging by helping reduce bone loss and improving circulation.

Saturday 3 October 2015


While you should generally limit your intake of both brown and white sugar, you may have heard that brown sugar is better for you. While brown sugar may contain slightly more essential nutrients than white sugar, it isn't necessarily healthy.
What is Brown Sugar?
Brown sugar is simply white sugar mixed with molasses. Therefore, brown sugar can hold its shape like wet sand, while white sugar cannot. Raw sugar is also generally brown in color, and forms when the juice of sugar cane evaporates. However, many people refer to brown sugar as granulated white sugar with molasses added to it.
Is Brown Sugar Really Better?
Molasses and brown sugar do contain more essential nutrients that white sugar, so choosing brown sugar over white is technically healthier. For example, a tablespoon of molasses is a good source of dietary potassium -- and provides small amounts of calcium, magnesium and B vitamins. However, the amount of these essential nutrients you'd be getting from brown sugar is very small and won't do much to meet your daily nutrient needs. Furthermore, just like white sugar, molasses and brown sugar are added sugars that should be limited in your diet as much as possible to avoid unwanted weight gain and increased chronic disease risks.
Calorie Content
Brown sugar and white sugar both contain about the same number of calories per serving. A teaspoon of packed brown sugar provides 17 calories and 1 teaspoon of white sugar contains 16 calories, notes the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database. So, if you're looking for ways to cut calories, choosing brown sugar over white sugar won't be beneficial.
How Much Sugar is Too Much?

To maximize your health and lower risks for unwanted weight gain and chronic diseases, limit added sugars -- including white sugar, brown sugar, and molasses -- as much as possible, suggests the American Heart Association (AHA). The AHA recommends most women limit added sugars to 100 calories or less per day, and men eat no more than 150 calories from added sugar daily. One gram of sugar provides 4 calories.