Saturday 28 November 2015

Home Remedies For Gastric Problem

Generally gas is formed in the stomach due to numerous reasons such as

·       Excessive alcohol intake.
·       Consuming very spicy food.
·       Chewing the food improperly.
·       Too much of anxiety and stress.
·       Intestinal malfunction.
·       Eating sauces and condiments frequently and in large quantities.
·       Digestive disorders.

Turmeric leaves
Turmeric leaves are one of the best remedies for gas. Drink chopped turmeric leaves mixed with a one cup of milk daily for better results
Guava leaves
Take guava leaves and boil them in water. Once they come to a boil strain the leaves and drink the water. This is a simple remedy for gastric problems
Potato juice
Another best cure for stomach gas is potato juice. Take potato juice and drink about ½ cup of it before your meal. Repeat this three times a day for best results
Ginger tea can be made by mixing one tablespoon of grinded ginger with water and boiling it for few minutes. Now drinking this tea 2 – 3 daily will help you get rid of gas. You can even use ginger externally by adding a few drops of ginger essential oil to any carrier oil and massage it on your stomach.

Baking soda
Ø Baking soda gives instant relief from gas. Drink 1/4 tsp of baking soda mixed with a glass of water. This water solution is one of the most conventional remedies for stomach gas. It can be used as an efficient antacid.
Ø Add a pinch of baking soda to fresh lemon juice in a glass, which is a fizzing drink. Now add some more baking soda and one cup of water to it stir well until the baking soda dissolves. This solution acts as antacid and gives to instant relief from gas. You can also try drinking a glass of water mixed with a small amount of baking soda on empty stomach.
It is another common remedy that gives instant relief from stomach gas. Boil cinnamon in some water and allow the cinnamon solution to cool in room temperature and drink it. This helps you prevent the formation of gas. You can even take 1/2 a teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed with one glass of warm milk or add some honey to cinnamon powder stir properly and drink it.
Cinnamon tea can provide you relief from stomach gas. To make it, you have to add some cinnamon power to boiling water and leave it to rest for a few minutes and before drinking it. This home remedy will prevent further formation of gas and soothes your stomach as well.
Asafoetida / Hing
Take a generous pinch of asafoetida mixed into a glass of warm water. Now mix it properly before drinking it. To get more relief drink it at least 2 – 3 times every day. To use it externally, make a paste of asafoetida by adding a little water. Apply this asafoetida paste on the stomach and leave it to dry for a couple of minutes. This helps you get rid of stomach gas problem. If you do not want to take it directly you can insert a little amount of asafoetida into a ripe banana and consume it two times a day.
Garlic provides great relief from gas. The pungent odor and heating quality of garlic will help you in stimulating the gastric fire, which helps in proper digestion and offers relief from gas. If you are suffering from gas then you have to try some garlic soup. Use fresh garlic for better results. Take 2 – 3 garlic cloves and roast them on fire directly and consume it after peeling it. Else you can make a solution by taking some freshly ground garlic and add some water, black pepper and cumin seeds and boil them for some minutes. Strain all the ingredients and allow it cool in room temperature. Drink this garlic solution at least twice or thrice daily for better results.
Onion juice will help you get rid of stomach gas, but avoid eating any vegetables that cause gas

Two teaspoons of brandy mixed to a glass of warm water will help you get relief from gas. Drink this solution daily before going to sleep.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Top Foods To Help You Reduce Belly Fat

If you find that you have excess belly fat, then you should immediately cut down on consumption of carbohydrate rich food and start to take foods that are rich in fibers. The following are the super foods that will help you to reduce your waistline.

·     Apples: They are super foods that you can take three to four times a day as a substitute to carb-rich foods.

·     Almonds: Rich in Vitamin E and has high fiber content that will make you feel full and reduce your hunger.

·     Green Leafy Vegetables: They are rich in fiber and very low in calories. They will help in preventing water retention.

·     Avocado: They are rich in high fiber and have high monounsaturated fatty acids that help in reducing belly fat.

·     Cucumber: Cucumber is a vegetable that has high water content and is very low in calories.

·     Watermelon: It is a fruit that has 80% water content in it and very few calories. They help in easily attaining desired waistline.

·     Beans: This vegetable helps in improving digestion, as well as strengthening muscles. It will help in toning the belly by reducing hunger and prevent you from overeating.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

How Fenugreek Seeds Affect Diabetes?

Fenugreek can help lower blood sugar by slowing down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates

Fenugreek seeds (trigonella foenum graecum) are high in soluble fibre, which helps lower blood sugar by slowing down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates this suggests they may be effective in treating people with diabetes.

Fenugreek seeds can improve most metabolic symptoms associated with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in humans by lowering blood glucose levels and improving glucose tolerance.

In one study, researchers in India found that adding 100 grams of defatted fenugreek seed powder to the daily diet of patients with insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes significantly reduced their fasting blood glucose levels, improved glucose tolerance and also lowered total cholesterol, LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol and triglycerides.

In another controlled trial, incorporating 15 grams of powdered fenugreek seed into a meal eaten by people with type 2 diabetes reduced the rise in post-meal blood glucose, while a separate study found that taking 2.5 grams of fenugreek twice a day for three months lowered blood sugar levels in people with mild, but not severe, type 2 diabetes.

Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which help protect the body’s cells from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals.

For centuries they have been (and are still) used by nursing mothers to help stimulate the production of breast milk during pregnancy and following childbirth. Due to their powerful antiviral properties, they are also commonly used as an herbal remedy for colds and sore throats.

In addition, researchers believe fenugreek seeds may be effective in the treatment of arthritis, high cholesterol, skin problems (wounds, rashes and boils), bronchitis, abscesses, hair loss, constipation, upset stomach, kidney ailments, heartburn, male impotence and other types of sexual dysfunction.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Understanding Stroke

Brain stroke or acute brain attack, as neurologists would like stroke to be understood by the public at large is an important cause of death and disability worldwide. It is the third most important cause of death and the most common cause of acquired disability.
Broadly speaking, two types of stroke exist. Nearly 80% of strokes are on account of impaired blood supply to the brain, resulting in the death of nerve cells in the affected area. The remaining 20% of strokes are due to bleeding into the brain which damages the brain by releasing toxic substances and by compression and pressure effects on the brain.
The symptoms of a brain stroke range from weakness in one-half of the body, blurred vision, speech impairment and incontinence to loss of balance and difficulties with memory and higher mental function. It is critical that we are aware of the early warning signs and symptoms of stroke and seek treatment at a hospital which is equipped with facilities such as CT scan and MRI, ICU as well as neurological and neurosurgical expertise round the clock. The reason to act fast when a stroke is suspected is because for every second that a brain stroke is untreated, 1.4 million neurons are irreversibly lost, for every hour that passes without treatment, the brain ages 3 years; and a very efficacious clot buster treatment which dissolves the clot that has cut off blood supply to the brain is safe and effective only within the first 4.5 hours after onset of symptoms. The earlier the treatment is started after symptom onset, the more effective and safe it is for the patient.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Quinoa Grain Can Help You Lose Weight


1. High in Fiber

The fiber content in Quinoa is what gets many people interested in eating it. If you have trouble thinking of ways to increase your fiber and have resorted to buying and eating fiber bars or fiber fortified cereals to get the job done, you might be better off getting a supply of Quinoa. It contains a fifth of how much fiber you need each day in every one cup serving. That’s pretty impressive considering that most Quinoa recipes are filled with other foods like black beans that have a good amount of fiber so you can get a substantial portion of your fiber needs met in one meal.

2. Quinoa is a good source of protein and complex carbohydrates.

They will give your body the energy that will help you in your efforts to lose weight. In addition, the quinoa will make you feel satisfied and not feel like you’re living a life of deprivation from hunger, this is another of the properties of quinoa to lose weight.

3. It contains twice the protein of regular cereal grains.

Contains less carbs, more healthy fats, fiber, phosphorus, calcium and is rich in iron.

4. It is the most nutritious of all grains.

And so far has been quite unknown to many properties of quinoa to lose weight, but in their place of origin in South America, region of Bolivia, and by people who have vegetarian meals vegetarian diet free of animal flesh.

5. Minerals that are found in the Quinoa are manganese and copper.

The two minerals are one of the properties of quinoa to lose weight as they work together as an antioxidant and help the body fight free radicals that can cause the body to develop cancer and diseases.

6. It contains no gluten.

Another of the wonderful properties of quinoa diet is their lack of gluten, making it ideal for those with weight loss diets free of gluten, also works very well in the glycemic index diet, or diet for diabetes. Is a complete protein, meaning it contains all essential amino acids your body needs, such as meat, eggs and dairy products. An ideal food for vegetarians.

Thursday 5 November 2015


Green Coffee Extract

Green Coffee is derived from raw and unroasted seeds or beans from the popular Coffee fruit. The extracts from these rare find of Coffee beans are proven to show miraculous health benefits especially in weight loss. Green Coffee extract is gaining increasing popularity after its effects have been studied and testified by the famous medical practitioner Dr Oz. He says that there are a considerable proportion of antioxidants in Green Coffee beans that tend to melt your fat away leading to optimum health and fitness. It is said that unroasted green coffee beans have high levels of chlorogenic acid resulting in immense health benefits for blood sugar levels, blood pressure, heart diseases, weight loss and others. In the recent Dr Oz study, it has been observed that Green Coffee bean extracts burn fat faster without much physical exercise and diet programs. In this article, let us look into the health benefits offered by this phenomenal pure green coffee beans extract.


It is a well-known fact that antioxidants play a key role in enhancing the overall body metabolism leading to weight loss. Antioxidants help prevent the oxidation of other food molecules inhibiting the formation of free radicals in the system. It has been discovered that untreated or raw green coffee beans contain very high levels of chlorogenic acid, which is rich in antioxidants. This acid is excellent for enhancing overall health of the body. It has also been observed that antioxidants help in the prevention of life threatening diseases such as cancer, coronary heart disease, and even altitude sicknesses and many more.


Green Coffee Bean extract has the ability to enhance and boost the overall metabolic rate of the human body. Increased metabolic activity has numerous health benefits. The presence of chlorogenic acid boosts metabolism, burning fat and excessive adipose tissue in the body at a faster rate like never before. Surprisingly it has also been discovered that the presence of “kelp” in raw and untreated green coffee bean extracts is a fantastic source of rich vitamins and minerals, which help in keeping the body in good vital condition. Green Coffee bean ideally speeds up metabolism by altering the means in which glucose in blood is absorbed into the body.


The presence of chlorogenic acid in the green coffee bean extract also helps in managing blood sugar levels to a very great extent. It is indeed another major indicator for reducing high blood pressure levels effectively. As it is a known fact that high blood pressure levels lead to unexpected cardiac arrests on has to be cautious in managing their blood pressure on a consistent basis. Regular intake of green coffee bean extract on a consistent basis has proven to lower the blood sugar levels in case of diabetics and also regulate blood pressure levels without medication. So apart from losing weight, this fantastic ingredient helps in managing overall health and prevents chronic diseases and cardio vascular problems.


Another seemingly wonderful benefit of indulging in green coffee bean extracts or pills is that it inhibits the need to overeat. Erratic food patterns at irregular timings are one of the prime concerns as to why people put on weight. Green Coffee bean kills the urge to eat often in between meals thus giving scope for the body to burn the excess fat and eliminate the stored up fatty acids and calories in the system.


It has also been observed that consuming green coffee bean extract on a regular basis improves or enhances brain activity greatly leading to better concentration and attention span. Increased attention span helps in boosting memory power thereby empowering you with outstanding ability to recall and recollect events, facts, dates and occasions with greater ease. Research shows that coffee beans have the ability to enhance learning abilities and analytic reasoning skills, which are greatly needed for overall success in today’s world. Better cognitive thinking, reasoning, spatial and abstract reasoning are some of the outcomes of consuming green coffee bean extracts on a daily basis.


The role of liver in our bodily system in maintaining absolute health cannot be undermined. Liver needs to cleansed and maintained in perfect condition to ensure optimum health. Green Coffee bean extracts help in activating the liver enabling it to purge fats and eliminate harmful acids, chemicals and high level of cholesterols from the body. Green Coffee thus aids in detoxifying the liver so that the human mechanism can function in a healthy fashion. This detoxification process further helps in boosting the metabolic rate of the body keeping it in perfect health condition.


It has also been observed that regular and daily consumption of untreated green coffee bean extract leads to high energy levels as coffee bean contains caffeine. Caffeine helps in keeping you alert and boosts the energy levels of the bodily system keeping you active and attentive all the while. You will never experience fatigue if you consume Green Coffee every day. Enhanced energy levels have the capacity to make you look much younger than your actual age and you can just make people guessing your actual age!

Monday 2 November 2015


Phool makhana is the name given to popped lotus seeds used in Indian cooking. The puffed lotus seed has the bitter centre core and the outer membrane are removed, and is puffed, just as popcorn is puffed. It is a very popular food during the fasting. ‘Makhane ki kheer’ is the most popular kheer during fasting.

Makhana is superior to dry fruits such as almonds, walnut, coconut and cashewnut in term of sugar, protein, ascorbic acid and phenol content.

It is a highly nutritious, fully organic non-cereal food, which is extensively grown in the stagnant water of wetlands, tanks, ponds lakes and ditches.

Nutritive value of Makhana

100 gm makhana contains:

350kcal energy
9.7gm easily digestible protein
77gm carbohydrate
12.8gm moisture
0.1gm fat
90mg phosphorus
1.4mg iron.

Health benefits
  • Makhana helps in Cardiac Protection.
  • It helps in building action in dysentery, frequent urination.
  • Makhana is anti-oxidant.
  • It is digestive for all age groups.  Due to its astringent property, it is relieves one from diarrhea and helps improve appetite.
  • 25 gram makhana a day means a healthy food/diet for the whole family.
  • Lotus seeds benefit the spleen, kidney, and heart. 
  • The seed also has calming properties that alleviate restlessness, palpitations, and insomnia.
  • It is also rich in calcium.
  • Makhana regulates blood pressure, relieves numbness and aching near waist and knees.
  • It is suitable for arthritis, impotence and premature ageing.
  • They are sweet to neutral in nature. They help to detoxify the spleen, reinforce the kidneys and nourish the blood. 
  • It can also treat insomnia, palpitations and irritability.
  • It is also recommended for the women during pregnancy and post natal weakness .It is a good galactogogue- very good for strengthening lower back muscles. 


The seeds (Makhana/Fox nut) can be eaten raw, cooked roasted or fried.
Makhana can be consumed as dry fruit snacks by roasting. The popped seeds of Makhana can be roasted & sprinkled with spices on it which proves a tastier, hygienic and digestive health snacks.

Homemade roasted makhana can help kids get rid of the junk chips

Makhana Kheer - made of makhana is a tasty n healthy. It can be used in Pudding and other milk based sweets etc.
Dal Makhani & vegetable curries prove delicious when makhana is spread for taste and thickening object.
Makhana raita is very tastier and it is digestive in nature.

Makhana pulav can also be tried.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Benefits of Juicing

How to Cleanse and Nourish Your Cells with Fresh Vegetable Juices

There are three main reasons why you will want to consider incorporating vegetable juicing into your optimal health program:

Juicing helps you absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables

This is important because most of us have impaired digestion as a result of making less-than-optimal food choices over many years. This limits your body's ability to absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables. Juicing will help to "pre-digest" them for you, so you will receive most of the nutrition, rather than having it go down the toilet.

Juicing allows you to consume an optimal amount of vegetables in an efficient manner

If you are a carb type, you should eat one pound of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body weight per day. Some people may find eating that many vegetables difficult, but it can be easily accomplished with a quick glass of vegetable juice.

You can add a wider variety of vegetables in your diet

Many people eat the same vegetable salads every day. This violates the principle of regular food rotation and increases your chance of developing an allergy to a certain food. But with juicing, you can juice a wide variety of vegetables that you may not normally enjoy eating whole.